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Two Year Blogiversary!

I can’t believe we’ve made it to the second year. This past year has been crazy and full of changes! Booker has been such a wonderful and fulfilling addition to our lives. It’s funny because for the first 12 years or so, Minhan and I were pretty set on not having any kids, but then changed our minds at about the same time. I’m not sure what triggered that, but we’re so grateful and lucky to have popped out such an amazing kid! I can’t believe he’s almost a year old now.

To start off this new blogging year, here are my goals:

  • Change the blog’s theme. The theme I’m currently using expired awhile ago. However, I haven’t been able to find a suitable replacement.
  • Post every 2-4 weeks. With my current job contract ending this June, making time for family, and trying to hit my 30-book reading goal, I’ve decided to cut back a bit on posting. Also, I haven’t been able to travel as much, but that will change soon!
  • Try out new layouts. I tinkered around a bit with my Washington DC post, but I want to try and get a little more creative with the layout of my posts
  • Think about the current layout of the page. Since reading has become an important part of my life now, I’m thinking about adding a section to the site showing either what books I’m reading or have read, or something like that.
  • Have fun! There were times last year when I felt like I was in a creative slump, but I reminded myself that this blog is about having fun and sharing adventures with all of you

Thank you all so much for your support these past two years! I really appreciate it.


10 thoughts on “Two Year Blogiversary!”

  1. Pingback: Three Year Blogiversary! - Baking Priority

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